We can help you agree the key points at the outset, this involves us:
Reviewing and advising you on the heads of terms which summarise the main lease terms to be agreed including: the length of the lease; rent and other charges payable; rent review; insurance when and how the lease can end early; the standard of repair the tenant must keep the property in and what rights they have to sublet or transfer the lease;
- Negotiating the heads of terms and giving you further advice if you need it
- Going through this initial process reduces the chances of disappointment later.
- If the heads of terms are agreed and you wish to proceed with the lease we can do all or some of the following as you wish, depending on how much help you would like from us, we can:
- Draft the lease
- Prepare answers to the Tenant’s solicitor’s legal enquiries
- Advise you on whether to accept amendments to the lease wording put forward by the Tenant
- Deal with your lender’s requirements for the lease;
- Check that the final lease document reflects your instructions to us;
- Calculate the money due to you on the day the lease is completed including any rent deposit or advance
- Supervise completion of the lease so that it is legally binding
Our fees are proportionate to the amount of work you ask us to do recognising that one size doesn’t fit all. Some clients want the full advice and representation service, and others just want us to prepare a standard lease and do the rest themselves. Our service and our fee is tailored to suit you.